Straight From The Comment Section
Great career choices...Thanks for putting this on and inviting the homeschool community.
Homeschool Parent
Thank you so much for sharing with our school. I believe you stirred the desire to look into STEMM even more for our students!
Rural KS Middle School Teacher
It was beneficial in the way that opened up new opportunities to students who had never considered them before!
Rural KS Teacher
I want to say thank you! When you spoke to us it changed my mind for what I want to be when I grow up. I always wanted to be a doctor of some sort, but I didn't know what yet. I find it really cool how you get to help do surgery and get to save people every day.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
I think it's good to show high school students who are not sure what they want to do. It opens them up to options they maybe never thought of.
Rural KS Teacher
Thank you for coming to and talking to a small town school like us and teaching us more about STEMM. I learned a lot about what a PA has to do for schooling and what your job is like. I decided a PA might be something I want to do in the future.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
We really never thought about being an electrical engineer but after your presentation it changed our mind. You did it so well, you got us interested. You set us on track of what we want to do. We both enjoyed the presentation. Thanks for coming!!
Two Rural KS Middle Schoolers
I think this is SO important and such good exposure to our kids. They were exposed to and interacted with careers in a new and memorable way. They were able to make connections for shadowing opportunities (and I was as well).
Rural KS Teacher
The students I talked with afterwards were very intrigued and interested in several of the careers, especially the estimator from MJE. I though all of the speakers were very professional, personable, and approachable. They brought out points about soft skills that are important such as being a team player, networking, never giving up, studying hard and getting good grades, etc.
Rural KS Teacher
We have focused so much energy on exposing our students to trade schools and work opportunities and sometimes our advanced and college bound students get left out. This conference gave them the opportunity to converse with career professionals that they would not have otherwise been exposed to.
Rural KS Teacher
I thought it was a great event! I love the exposure to careers outside of their experience base. I also appreciate that, for the most part, our students were shown they can continue to live and thrive in rural Kansas. I appreciate that women were represented in the conference. I believe women need representation in STEM. I thought it was perfect that all the presenters were from small rural communities. I love promoting the idea that small town kids and can do big world things. I felt the energy from the presenters was welcoming and exciting. The whole group and small group discussion was beneficial as well.
Rural KS Teacher
I want to thank you for coming to our school, giving us some of your time, which I understand is very valuable. I am glad that you came, becaue now I know a good option of who to be... Thank you for coming and enlarging my STEMM interest.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
Thank you for coming and telling us about what you've done in the past and what you do... This has opened me to look at more options and to see what I can do in my future.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
Keep doing what you do, you inspired me.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
I want to help our country but I don't know what way yet. You coming and speaking to us definitely made me think more of what I want to do... You inspire others to do their best. Thank you again.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
I just want to thank you for taking time out of your day to come teach us about your STEMM careers... It was a fun and amazing eperience and I saw things I've never seen before.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
I'm interested in working with crops and/or animals when I get older. The STEMM conference that we had last week made me realize that this kind of job can and no doubt will be tough in the future but it will all be worth it in the end.
Rural KS High Schooler
I realized today that you can make a job out of what you like to do.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
The best thing I learned today was that you don't have to go to a big city to get a good job.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
Thank you for talking to us about how you can be from a small town like mine and still make it big.
Rural KS High Schooler
It's a great experience for kids. I wish I would have brought more students!
Rural KS Teacher
The STEMM conference that we had last week made me realize that this kind of job can and no doubt will be tough in the future but it will all be worth it in the end.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
I love that so much technology is available and GREAT optinos are out there, even in small towns. Loved the energy!
Rural KS High Schooler
There are a lot of job opportunities that sound more interesting than what I thought.
Rural KS High Schooler
They were really interesting but I am not sure if one of those careers are in my future plans. At the same time they give the students a lot of information and options.
Rural KS High Schooler
I learned that STEMM careers are more everyday jobs than I thought.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
What surprised me the most was that so many good jobs come from STEMM.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
What stood out most to me is all the jobs you can go into by getting a single degree, the wide variety makes stemm seem a lot more interesting.
Rural KS High Schooler
All the different jobs you can pursue in STEMM. It's very broad and something for almost everyone if you're willing to work.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
What I liked most about the talk was all of the encouragement.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
What surprised me the most was realizing that I might be able to find a job that pays good and interest me.
Rural KS High Schooler
I loved how fun it sounded, and the speeches really stood out. I really thought about it when they were talking.
Rural KS Middle Schooler
The veterinary medicine talk was exciting because I want to become a vet, it helped me learn more about it.
Rural KS High Schooler
I thought that STEMM wasn't very interesting until I came to this and now I think that I might do a job with STEMM now. I also learned that there is so many things that you can do in a STEMM job.
Rural KS High Schooler
I was surprised at how many job opportunities there are in STEMM.
Rural KS Middle Schooler